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August 2, 2013 Frank Rauscher is scheduled to present to 200 members of the Catholic Professionals organization on the topic "Catholic Investing is not an Oxymoron"


Frank Rauscher interviewed on the effectiveness of shareholder advocacySmart Money"Name a company that changed a policy because investors avoided it unless it changed. The answer is NONE"

Frank Rauscher quoted in Social October 2, 2008 on the sub-prime mortgage meltdown Story Rauscher commented on the failure of the three rating agencies to prudentially confirm their ratings before issuing massive securites ratings of Residendial Mortgage Backed Securities and Collateralized Debt Obligations.

June 10, 2007, Frank Rauscher elected to Co-chair of Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) Access to Capital Working Group and to Co-chair of ICCR Militarism and Violence Working Group

5/30/07 Relevant Radio Nationwide Network interview of Frank Rauscher on topic of Corporate Social Responsibility. 

September 17, 2008,  Frank Rauscher, comments to Catholic News service on economic meltdown 

Story includes steps to take if a home owner has an adjustable rate mortgage